January 22, 2022

Three For Silver LIVE

07:30 PM

Three For Silver LIVE at The Seasons Performance Hall

Get ready for the return of one of the most original bands in the Pacific Northwest……Three For Silver on Saturday, January 22nd @7:30 p.m.
Lucas Warford (Bass), Willow Sertain (Accordian) and Corwin Zeckley (fiddle) return to the Seasons stage for a show that will keep you spellbound for its entirety. Haunting vocals, expert musicianship and a little magic make for a show that you won’t forget.
Three For Silver is an aggressively original band that is impervious to easy description.
PR people often use phrases like Mythic Americana, Doomfolk, or Apocalypso.
Some of those are pretty good, but they still just feel like the desperate necessities of someone forced to fill out a form box labelled "Genre".
Three For Silver features one-of-a-kind instruments you've never seen playing styles mixed in ways you've never heard. Perhaps it is pop music from an exceptionally dark parallel dimension. The band has hit the road since 2013, and their monomaniacal devotion has already led them all over the USA and the world, from Accordion Festivals in Vienna to Modern Music Expos in Russia, and even partnering with the US State Department for ongoing cultural exchange tours to countries thirsty for truly original American music.
More Information HERE

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