08:00 PM
Sports Center & Gus's Pizza are bringing the downtown a WEEKLY karaoke night! Whether you like singing up on stage or enjoying yourself in the crowd, join us with Big Ern every Thursday!
More Information HERE
Every second Thursday of the month Punks will be hosting an open mic for original musicians 21 and up! Bring your instruments and there is always a possibility of some backline instruments! Show us what you got!
07:30 PM
During the Summer of 2017, David Ramirez had fallen in love with a woman who, despite having only just met, felt incredibly familiar to him. There was a scary but comfortable feeling of deja vu during their moments together. “In past relationships, no matter how eager I was to feel loved and to give love, there had always been a hesitation to crawl out of my old life. I didn’t feel this with her,” he recollects.
Ramirez began to pen songs for his next album and hopeful odes to new love spilled out. Songs like “Lover, Will You Lead Me?” are filled with vivid images from the heart: I recognized you from some distant dream / Like when it rains on a cold day / I had a chill in my bones / Is it true what they say / “When you know, you know.”