
There are many ways to contribute to the Downtown Association of Yakima (DAY). DAY is a 501-C-3 nonprofit so all donations are tax deductible. Below is a listing of the different ways you can support DAY financially.

Main Street Tax Credit Program

This program is a terrific way for businesses or local governments to donate to the revitalization of Downtown Yakima while keeping state tax dollars local. How it works:

B & O Tax Credit – Any local business can make a pledge to DAY through the Main Street Tax Credit Program (MSTCIP) and then claim 75% credit towards its B & O tax the following year.  Example: Business X pledges $8,000 to DAY in 2020. Business X then claims $6,000 tax credit when filing its B & O taxes in 2021.

Public Utilities Credit – Any local government can pledge to DAY through the MSTCIP and then claim 75% credit towards its Utility Tax the following year. Example: City Z pledges $80,000 to DAY in 2020. City Z then claims $60,000 tax credit when filing its Public Utility Tax in 2021.

MSTCIP is unique to Washington State. Each community has a cap of $133,000, although state availability may be less in a particular year. 

For more information, visit


As a 501-C-3 nonprofit, DAY can receive donations from private citizens and businesses to be used towards accomplishing its mission. These donations are tax deductible in accordance with IRS rules. DAY can provide any necessary nonprofit documentation to prospective donors.


Sponsorship of Events

DAY puts on several events each year of which your business can support and further its marketing goals. Many of these events draw thousands of patrons and serve as a powerful way to enhance your brand while assisting DAY in its revitalization efforts. Sponsorship opportunities exist for the following events:


Downtown Summer Nights (10 weeks)

Chalk Art Festival

Downtown Sip and Stroll

Holiday Wagon Rides

Downtown Farmers Market


To take advantage of any or all of these programs, please contact the DAY office at or 509-571-1328.


Downtown Association of Yakima

14 S. First Street
Yakima, WA 98901

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